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Event RTF — Closed Issues

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Issues resolved by a task force and approved by Board

Issues Descriptions

Clarification needed for "at least one consumer" clause

  • Key: EVNT11-12
  • Legacy Issue Number: 640
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: Section 4.4.4, p.4-13 last sentence:If channel responsible for pulling incoming events, then it will issue a request to get event.Or does it mean that event channel will not try to get event

  • Reported: EVNT 1.0b1 — Wed, 30 Jul 1997 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — EVNT 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    No Data Available

  • Updated: Sun, 8 Mar 2015 19:23 GMT

Creation of ProxyPushSupplier interfaces

  • Key: EVNT11-9
  • Legacy Issue Number: 25
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: Is it implied that obtain_push_supplier causes the creation/allocation of a ProxyPushSupplier interface?

  • Reported: EVNT 1.0b1 — Mon, 1 Jul 1996 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — EVNT 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:


  • Updated: Sun, 8 Mar 2015 19:23 GMT

Key type definition

  • Key: EVNT11-8
  • Legacy Issue Number: 17
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: TypedConsumerAdmin and TypedSupplierAdmin have operations that take a "Key" type (which identifies an interface), but do not specify the specific value needed to ID an interface.

  • Reported: EVNT 1.0b1 — Wed, 26 Jun 1996 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — EVNT 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    No Data Available

  • Updated: Sun, 8 Mar 2015 19:23 GMT

connect_* operations in sections 4.5.(4,5,6,7)

  • Key: EVNT11-11
  • Legacy Issue Number: 633
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: The connect_* operations in these sections raise an AlreadyConnected exception if the client is already connected!? In some cases the channel will allow consumer to connect twice

  • Reported: EVNT 1.0b1 — Thu, 24 Jul 1997 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — EVNT 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:


  • Updated: Sun, 8 Mar 2015 19:23 GMT

Disconnected exception

  • Key: EVNT11-10
  • Legacy Issue Number: 93
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: The conditions for raising the Disconnected exception are not consistent with the state diagram on page 4-14.

  • Reported: EVNT 1.0b1 — Wed, 28 Aug 1996 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — EVNT 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    No Data Available

  • Updated: Sun, 8 Mar 2015 19:23 GMT

Semantics of Event Service disconnect_push_consumer/supplier()

  • Key: EVNT11-7
  • Legacy Issue Number: 3427
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Motorola ( Tom Ziomek)
  • Summary:

    The question concerns the disconnect_push_consumer() family of operations
    (push and pull, consumer and supplier) on both the Event Svc side (proxy
    suppliers and consumers) and application side (suppliers and consumers).

    1) Is a proxy's disconnect_..._...() meant to be called by (any or all of)

    • the corresponding application supplier/consumer?
    • some other part of the application?
    • any portion of the Event Svc implementation? If "yes" in this case,
      is the connected application object also supposed to be invoked, to
      notify it of the proxy's shutdown?

    2) Is an application consumer/supplier's disconnect_..._...() meant to be
    called by

    • some other part of the application? If "yes" in this case, is the
      application consumer/supplier then expected to invoke disconnect_()
      on the corresponding proxy object?
    • any portion of the Event Svc implementation? If "yes", under what

    The specific issue at hand presumes the application object's disconnect_()
    operation is to be invoked by the Event Svc. The question is when – one
    opinion is that a call to the proxy's disconnect_() results in the invoca-
    tion of disconnect_() on the proxy's application object. The opposing o-
    pinion is that the application object's disconnect_() is invoked only when
    the application object is being disconnected by some means other than a
    call to the proxy's disconnect_() (for example, if the event channel's
    destroy() is called while application objects are still connected).

  • Reported: EVNT 1.0 — Wed, 15 Mar 2000 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — EVNT 1.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    No Data Available

  • Updated: Sun, 8 Mar 2015 18:22 GMT

Typed event service and disconnect (identical to issue 3156 Notif-service)

  • Key: EVNT11-6
  • Legacy Issue Number: 3426
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Triodia Technologies Pty Ltd ( Michi Henning)
  • Summary:

    For the untyped event service, a Disconnected exception is raised
    if push() or pull() are called by the appropriate connect operation wasn't
    called previously.

    What should happen if I use a typed event service?

  • Reported: EVNT 1.0 — Wed, 15 Mar 2000 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Duplicate or Merged — EVNT 1.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    No Data Available

  • Updated: Sat, 7 Mar 2015 06:16 GMT