8.1.2 View Specifications::Summary & Overview::Summary & Overview
General problem - there is no such thing as 'view specification' - it doesn't exist in the DMM itself (text should only include defined concepts), it seems to be being used as a synonym for ISO 42010::'architecture viewpoint' (if this is the case then 'architecture viewpoint' is the correct and consistent term to use.
Concerns: ''quick overview of an architecture description and summary of analysis. In the initial phases of architecture development, it serves as a planning guide. Upon completion of an architecture, it provides a summary of findings, and any conducted analysis.'
Problems -
1) this is an overview and its application not a list of concerns held be stakeholders
2) Given the common confusion in the UAF between 'architecture' and 'architecture description' - is this 'phases of architecture development' or 'phases of architecture description development'? Since an architecture description may be used to provide comment on architecture this is ambiguous in the UAF contetx where these terms aren't differentiated.
3) 'It isn't completion of architecture - it's not even completion pf 'architecture description' - what the author seems to be stating is completion of the 'architecture task' that produce the architecture description. The description os wrong and possibly more triples need to be defined in the DMM
'provides executive-level summary information in a consistent form that allows quick reference and comparison among architectures. The Summary and Overview includes assumptions, constraints, and limitations that may affect high-level decision processes involving the architecture.'
4) This is a description not a definition
Figure 8:11 - Summary & Overview
The green elements are relationships - not tuples as defined in the legend. The expectation is that view content consists of triples (node-connector-node).
5) General problem - There is nothing that defines how these views are to be interpreted (ISO 42010 requires this and it would aid consistent development and provide rules for verification of each view).
Anything that doesn't form the basis for a triple shouldn't be in the viewpoint definition i.e.
6) ArchitecturalDescription, ArchitectureMetadata, Metadata as these don't appear to form any triple
7) View, Viewpoint. There are no relationship elements provided to form a triple with ArchitecturalDescription
8) Stakeholder, Concern, OrganizationalResource, ActualOrganizationalResource have no relationship with ArchitecturalDescription
9) There is no relationship element between ArchitecturalReference and Architecture so it is impossible to establish a link between the Architecture, its impacts etc and the ArchitecturalDescription so impossible to describe this.
Triples should be able to be read as sentences and have clear semantics:
'ArchitecturalDescription Architectural Reference Architectural Description'
10) What does this mean? Is this a trace between ArchitecturalDescriptions i.e. 'ArchitecturalDescription traces to / references / etc ArchitecturalDescription'. A currently defined this makes no sense. I suspect that the problem is that elements are added but the triples so-formed are not being read to make sure that they are intelligible i.e. object-focussed rather than relationship-focussed approach.
11) 'Opportunity Phases ActualStrategicPhase' - what does this mean? If the sentence is unclear it either won't be used or be used inconsistently as each individual attempts to try and understand it (not conducive to shared understanding)