Structured Assurance Case Metamodel Avatar
  1. OMG Specification

Structured Assurance Case Metamodel — All Issues

  • Acronym: SACM
  • Issues Count: 3
  • Description: All Issues
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All Issues

Issues Descriptions

Incorrect URL for SACM in Appendix B

  • Key: SACM_-2
  • Legacy Issue Number: 17432
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Adaptive ( Mr. Pete Rivett)
  • Summary:

    Annex B (updated by Issue 16695) has the same problems as the XSD file (below), and further has no URI at all in the declaration of namespace SACM. Also oddly TARGET and TRUE are capitalized for no reason

    The namespaces declared for the SACM namespaces e.g. xmlns:SACM="" are inconsistent with those in the inventory.

    Correct URLs are:

    xmlns:ARM="" schemaLocation=""

    xmlns:EM="" schemaLocation=""

    xmlns:SACM="" schemaLocation=""

  • Reported: SACM 1.0b2 — Tue, 19 Jun 2012 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — SACM 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    Change example in section B.1 into the following:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
    <ARM:Argumentation xmi:version="2.1"
    xmi:id="0" id="IPSA">
    <xsd:import namespace="
    <xsd:import namespace="" schemaLocation="" />
    <argumentElement xsi:type="ARM:Claim" xmi:id="1" id=“C1" description="" content="C/S logic is fault
    free"/> <argumentElement xsi:type="ARM:ArgumentReasoning" xmi:id="2" id=“RC1.1" content="Argument by
    omission of all identified software hazards" describes="5 6"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type="ARM:ArgumentReasoning" xmi:id="3" id=“RC1.2" content="Argument by
    satisfaction of all C/S safety requirements" describes="7 8 9"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type="ARM:InformationElement" xmi:id="4" id=“IRC1.1" description="Identified
    software hazards"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type="ARM:Claim" xmi:id="5" id=“C1.1" description="" content="Unintended
    opening of press (after PoNR) can only occur as a result of component failure"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type="ARM:Claim" xmi:id="6" id=“C1.2" description="" content="Unintended
    closing of press can only occur as a result of component failure"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type="ARM:Claim" xmi:id="7" id=“C2.1" content="Press controls being 'jammed
    on' will cause press to halt"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type="ARM:Claim" xmi:id="8" id=“C2.2" content="Release of controls prior to
    press passing physical PoNR will cause press operation to abort"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type="ARM:Claim" xmi:id="9" id=“C2.3" description="" content="C/S fails safe
    (halts on) and annunciates (by sounding Klaxon) all component failures" toBeSupported=”true”/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type="ARM:Claim" xmi:id="12" id=“C2.1.1" content="Failure 1 of PLC state
    machine includes BUTTON_IN remaining true"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type="ARM:Claim" xmi:id="13" id=“C2.2.1" content="Abort transition of PLC
    state machine includes BUTTON_IN going false"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type="ARM:InformationElement" xmi:id="10" id=“S1.1" content="Fault tree
    analysis cutsets for event 'Hand trapped in press due to command error'"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type="ARM:InformationElement" xmi:id="11" id=“S1.2" content="Hazard directed
    test results"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type="ARM:InformationElement" xmi:id="14" id=“S2.1" description=""
    content="black box testing"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type="ARM:InformationElement" xmi:id="15" id=“S2.2.1" content="C/S state
    <argumentElement xsi:type="ARM:AssertedInference" xmi:id="16" id=“C1.1.1" description=""
    source="5" target="1"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type="ARM:AssertedInference" xmi:id="17" id=“C1.1.2" source="6" target="1"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type="ARM:AssertedInference" xmi:id="18" id=“C1.2.1" source="7" target="1"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type="ARM:AssertedInference" xmi:id="19" id=“C1.2.2" source="8" target="1"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type="ARM:AssertedInference" xmi:id="20" id=“C1.2.3" source="9" target="1"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type="ARM:AssertedContext" xmi:id="21" id=“CIRC1.1" source="4" target="2"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type="ARM:AssertedEvidence" xmi:id="22" id=“S1.1" source="10" target="5 6"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type="ARM:AssertedEvidence" xmi:id="23" id=“S1.2" source="11" target="5 6"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type="ARM:AssertedEvidence" xmi:id="24" id=“SC2.1" source="14" target="7"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type="ARM:AssertedEvidence" xmi:id="25" id=“SC2.1.1" source="15"
    <argumentElement xsi:type="ARM:AssertedEvidence" xmi:id="26" id=“SC2.2.1" source="15"
    <argumentElement xsi:type="ARM:AssertedInference" xmi:id="27" id=“DI C2.1" source="12"
    <argumentElement xsi:type="ARM:AssertedInference" xmi:id="28" id=“DI C2.2" source="13"
    <argumentElement xsi:type="ARM:AssertedContext" xmi:id="29" id=“AR29" source="2" target="16
    Change example in section B.2 into the following:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
    <ARM:Argumentation xmi:version="2.1"
    xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi=""
    xmi:id="0" id="BSC11">
    <xsd:import namespace="
    <xsd:import namespace="" schemaLocation="" />
    <argumentElement xsi:type="ARM:Claim" xmi:id="1" id=“Bluetooth secure" content="A bluetooth
    enabled network provides adequate security"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type=“ARM: Claim" xmi:id="2" id=“Availability" content="A bluetooth enabled
    network is adequately available [1] Section 1 para 3"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type=“ARM: Claim" xmi:id="3" id=“Access" description="" content="A bluetooth
    enabled network provides adequate control for access to services and data [1] Section 1 para 3"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type=“ARM: Claim" xmi:id="4" id=“Confidentiality" content="A bluetooth
    enabled network provides adequate levels of confidentiality [1] Setion 1 para 3"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type=“ARM: Claim" xmi:id="5" id=“Integrity" content="A bluetooth enabled
    network provides adequate levels of integrity [1] Section 1 para 3"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type=“ARM: InformationElement" xmi:id="6" id=“Context: security policy and
    scenario for use" content="Definitions are required of the intented security policy and the scenario of use
    for the system, including what is regarded as 'adequate'"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type=“ARM: InformationElement" xmi:id="7" id=“References" content="[1]
    Bluetooth security white paper 19/4/ 02"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type=“ARM: InformationElement" xmi:id="8" id=“Definition: Availability"
    content="The system is capable of providing requested services to authorised users, in an
    acceptable/defined time"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type=“ARM: InformationElement" xmi:id="9" id=“Definition: Access"
    content="Only users permitted by the defined security policy have access to services and data"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type=“ARM: InformationElement" xmi:id="10" id=“Define: Confidentiality"
    content="Unauthorised persons cannot intercept and understand information to which they are not
    <argumentElement xsi:type=“ARM: InformationElement" xmi:id="11" id=“Define: Integrity"
    description="" content="Services and data are provided to authorised users as intended and without
    <argumentElement xsi:type=“ARM: AssertedContext" xmi:id="12" id=“AC1" source="7" target="1"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type=“ARM: AssertedContext" xmi:id="13" id=“AC2" source="6" target="1"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type=“ARM: AssertedContext" xmi:id="14" id=“AC3" source="8" target="2"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type=“ARM: AssertedContext" xmi:id="15" id=“AC4" source="9 " target="3"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type=“ARM: AssertedContext" xmi:id="16" id=“AC5" source="10" target="4"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type=“ARM: AssertedContext" xmi:id="17" id=“AC6" source="11" target="5"/>
    <argumentElement xsi:type=“ARM: AssertedInference" xmi:id="18" id=“AI1" source="5 4 3 2"
    <argumentElement xsi:type=“ARM: ArgumentReasoning" xmi"id="19" id=“Argue over vulnerabilities"
    description="" content="Argue for each security requirement identified in the security white paper"

  • Updated: Sun, 8 Mar 2015 13:50 GMT

Duplicate rolename 'subject' in class 'ProvidesContext'

  • Key: SACM_-3
  • Legacy Issue Number: 17433
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: KDM Analytics ( Dr. Nikolai Mansourov)
  • Summary:

    Class ProvidesContext Figure 14.3 already inherits the 'subject' association from the EvidenceInterpretation element.

  • Reported: SACM 1.0b2 — Tue, 19 Jun 2012 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — SACM 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    Remove association 'subject' from class 'ProvidesContext' (section 14.3.6, page 98):
    subject:EvidenceElement[1]The subject of the ProvidesContext clause
    Change Figure 14.3 with the following: << figure on p 134 of ptc/2012-06-04>>

  • Updated: Sun, 8 Mar 2015 13:50 GMT

Association names should be nouns

  • Key: SACM_-1
  • Legacy Issue Number: 17369
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Adelard LLP ( Luke Emmet)
  • Summary:

    Applies to: Sysa/10-03-15, section 8.1

    Title: Association names should be nouns

    Detail: The association names between classes in ARM should be labelled
    with nouns. This will better conform to the OMG naming recommendations.

  • Reported: SACM 1.0b2 — Tue, 15 May 2012 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — SACM 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    Update the document as follows, assuming resolution for issue 17347 has already been applied
    Argumentation class (was previously 9.2.3, and has been renamed from Argument by other edits),
    “containsArgumentelement:ArgumentElement[0..*]” -> “argumentElement:ArgumentElement[0..*]
    “containsArgumentation:Argumentation[0..*]” -> “argumentation:Argumentation[0..*]
    CitationElement class (previously 9.2.8), Associations
    “refersToArgumentelement:ArgumentElement[0..1]” ->
    “refersToArgument:Argument[0..1]” -> “argumentationReference:Argumentation[0..1]
    ArgumentReasoning class (previously 9.2.11), Associations
    “hasStructure:Argument[0..1]” -> “structure:Argument[0..1]
    “describes:AssertedInference [0..*]” -> “describedInference:AssertedInference [0..*]
    Replace figure 9.1 with the following << figure on p 129 of ptc/2012-06-04>>

  • Updated: Sun, 8 Mar 2015 13:50 GMT