Open Architecture Radar Interface Standard Avatar
  1. OMG Specification

Open Architecture Radar Interface Standard — Open Issues

  • Acronym: OARIS
  • Issues Count: 4
  • Description: Issues not resolved
Open Closed All
Issues not resolved

Issues Descriptions

end_sensor_track_type should key on the_sensor_track_id

  • Key: OARIS31-1
  • Status: open  
  • Source: BAE SYSTEMS ( Mr. Ollie Newman)
  • Summary:

    In the DDS PSM IDL the end_sensor_track_type has a key on subsystem_id. As each message is related to a particular track id then it should also be keyed on the_sensor_track_id such that subsequent instances relating to other tracks do not overwrite the current instance before it is able to be read by subscribers.

  • Reported: OARIS 3.0b1 — Wed, 30 Oct 2024 12:04 GMT
  • Updated: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 12:04 GMT

Consider the use of the IDL4 @optional annotation instead of unions

  • Key: OARIS3-69
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Real-Time Innovations ( Dr. Gerardo Pardo-Castellote, Ph.D.)
  • Summary:

    The IDL4 language introduced the @optonal annotation that indicates that a structure member is optional. This is also supported by DDS-XTYPES. For example:

    // radians per second
    typedef double azimuth_rate_type;
    // radians per second
    typedef double elevation_rate_type;
    // meters per second
    typedef double range_rate_type;
    struct polar_velocity_type            {
        // The rate of change in azimuth corresponding to the velocity
        azimuth_rate_type azimuth_rate;
        // The rate of change in elevation corresponding to the velocity. 
        // Optional as some sensors provide no elevation information
        @optional elevation_rate_type elevation_rate;
        // The rate of change in range corresponding to the velocity. 
        // Optional as some sensors provide no range information
        // (e.g. most passive sensors)
        @optional range_rate_type range_rate;

    The OARIS IDL does not take advantage of this. Instead, it uses an older pre-IDL4 idiom using an extra "union" type. For example:

    // radians per second
    typedef double azimuth_rate_type;
    // radians per second
    typedef double elevation_rate_type;
    // meters per second
    typedef double range_rate_type;
    // a simple union type, to represent an optional value
    union polar_velocity_elevation_rate_type switch (boolean)       {
        // the value when present
        case TRUE : elevation_rate_type value;
    // a simple union type, to represent an optional value
    union polar_velocity_range_rate_type switch (boolean)            {
        // the value when present
        case TRUE : range_rate_type value;
    // Velocity defined in a polar reference frame as a described by a coordinate
    // specification object
    struct polar_velocity_type            {
        // The rate of change in azimuth corresponding to the velocity
        azimuth_rate_type azimuth_rate;
        // The rate of change in elevation corresponding to the velocity. 
        // Optional as some sensors provide no elevation information
        polar_velocity_elevation_rate_type elevation_rate;
        // The rate of change in range corresponding to the velocity. 
        // Optional as some sensors provide no range information
        // (e.g. most passive sensors)
        polar_velocity_range_rate_type range_rate;

    The extra union types result in more code generated to serialize and deserialize the data, increasing the size of the binary and decreasing performance.

    Moreover, the use of the @optional annotation allows for a more natural and optimized language mapping. For example, the recent IDL to C++ mapping maps optional members to the standard std::optional which is more natural for a C++ programmer.

  • Reported: OARIS 3.0a1 — Thu, 18 Jul 2024 03:58 GMT
  • Updated: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 03:58 GMT

The IDL files contain vendor-specific constructs. Those should be removed.

  • Key: OARIS3-68
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Real-Time Innovations ( Dr. Gerardo Pardo-Castellote, Ph.D.)
  • Summary:

    Some of the IDL files contain the construct:

    #pragma keylist ...

    This annotation is specific to OpenSplice. It comes from a time before there was a standardized way to indicate DDS keys. It is not standard not supported by other DDS vendors.

    With the adoption of DDS-XTYPES and later IDL4 there is now a standard @key annotation supported by the recent versions of DDS from all the vendors.

    Moreover, the maintainers of OpenSplice are now focused on a new codebase (Cyclone DDS) and recommending users to migrate to it (see, and Cyclone DDS also supports the @key annotation as described in

    Given all this, the #pragma keylist annotation should be removed.

  • Reported: OARIS 3.0a1 — Wed, 17 Jul 2024 22:22 GMT
  • Updated: Wed, 17 Jul 2024 22:22 GMT

Typo fixes

  • Key: OARIS-85
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Airbus Group ( Mr. Oliver M. Kellogg)
  • Summary:

    These findings target the OARIS 2.0 Initial Submission.

    Replace unque by unique :
    Fig. 7.40 association from measurement_element_match_type to measurement_element_type


    Unknown macro: {set is unque for each instance}

    Replace activtiy by activity
    in Figures 7.41, 7.44, 7.54 association from platform_type to platform_activity_type

    Replace discete by discrete :
    Table 7.115 2nd row 2nd column (Notes)

    The semantics of the ordering of the elements of the
    discete distribution

    Replace transmision_mode by transmission_mode :
    Table 7.145 last row first column (Attribute)
    Figure 7.50 «idlStruct» transmission_sector_type last attribute

    Replace perfomance_bin_type by performance_bin_type :
    Figure 7.51 «idlStruct» perfomance_bin_type perfomance_bin_type
    Table 7.157 Attributes of IDLStruct perfomance_bin_type

    Replace initation by initiation :
    Table 7.1642nd row 2nd column (Notes)

    Track initation on external request (e.g. from CMS)

    Replace initiatied by initiated :
    Table 7.165 continuation (page 144) 2nd row 2nd column (Notes)

    initiation_mode initiation_mode_type [0..1] Initiation mode of track (automatic or externally

    Replace configuraiton_url} by {{configuration_url :
    page 159 bottom table Method change_physical_configuration Parameters

    request_id_type request_id

    Replace acccepted by accepted :
    Figure 7.95 note at bottom right

    = true

    Replace metod by method :
    Page 197 top table Method battle_override_setting Notes

    This metod is used by the subsystem

    Replace Altenative by Alternative :
    Table 7.103 sequence diagram box label in upper left corner

    alt Altenative Flows

    Replace plot_concentratrion by plot_concentration :
    Section first table Method receive_plot_concentration() Parameters

    request_id_type request_id

    Replace subystem by subsystem :
    Section first table Method receive_periodic_clutter_assessment Notes

    Interface used by CMS to receive
    periodic clutter assessment reports
    from the subystem.

    Replace Ammendment by Amendment :
    Figure 7.117 loop

    [Ammendment Required]

    Replace authorative by authoritative :
    Page 226 bottom table every row of column Notes

    The CMS [de]selects [...] match[es] as being the
    authorative assessment for the sensor track

    Replace masterhip by mastership :
    Figure 7.143 Alternative Flow [...] loss of masterhip
    Figure 7.145 Alternative Flow [...] loss of masterhip

    Replace Susbystem by Subsystem :
    Figure 7.153 alt Unsuccessful Request

    [Susbystem unable to calculate requested nominal performance]

    Replace encouters by encounters :
    Figure 7.155 alt Unsuccessful Request

    [Subsystem encouters an irrecoverable error condition [...]

    Replace Ackowledgement by Acknowledgement :
    Figure 7.157 alt Negative Acknowledgement

    [Subsystem processing produces [...] after initial positive Ackowledgement]

    Replace succesfull by succesfully :
    Figure 7.171 sequence diagram inner box label

    opt target succesfull acquired

    Replace fulfil by fulfill (American English) : page 278 2nd-to-last sentence on page

    If the radar may not fulfil the illumination request, [...] middle of page 284 standalone sentence

    If the radar may not fulfil the uplink request, this is reported [...]

    Globally replace splotting by spotting :

    • Page 286 confirm_reposition_splash_splotting, receive_splash_splotting_area_position, receive_splash_splotting_area_track
    • Page 288 receive_splash_splotting_area_position
    • Page 289 confirm_reposition_splash_splotting_area, receive_splash_splotting_area_track
    • Page 290 Figure 7.184 Perform Splash Spotting - Report On Splash Splotting
  • Reported: OARIS 1.0 — Sat, 15 Feb 2020 20:30 GMT
  • Updated: Tue, 18 Feb 2020 15:55 GMT