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  1. OMG Issue

UPDM — Performs, Two of the constraints do not belong

  • Key: UPDM-633
  • Legacy Issue Number: 13599
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: International Business Machines ( Mr. Kevin Cornell)
  • Summary:

    Performs, Two of the constraints do not belong.

    Document Issue UPDM (OMG Beta) Jan 2009

    Source Kevin CornellIBMkcornell@ca.ibm.com

    Resolution: Error in documentation, relates to Realizes Capability

  • Reported: UPDM 1.0b1 — Fri, 27 Feb 2009 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — UPDM 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    Remove two constraints:
    o RealizesCapability.supplier - Values for the supplier property must be stereotyped "Capability" or its
    o RealizesCapability.client - Values for the client property must be stereotyped
    "ServiceInterface"/"ResourceType" or its specializations

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:59 GMT