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  1. OMG Issue


  • Key: UPDM-212
  • Legacy Issue Number: 11743
  • Status: open  
  • Source: International Business Machines ( Mr. Fred Mervine)
  • Summary:

    In the description of an Operational Activity, the subsection called ProxyActivity is confusing. Proposed wording:
    Resolution:Proposed wording- A context-free OperationalActivity is defined with no specific context. The OperationalNode that wants to perform that context-free activity defines its own OperationalActivity that will act as a proxy for the context-free one. This proxy OperationalActivity (ProxyActivity) contains at least a callBehaviorAction referring to the context-free OperationalActivity. Optionally, an OperationalTask can be defined on the OperationlNode and the Specification attribute of that ProxyActivity can be set to that OperationalTask. Typically, the OperationalNode that defined the proxy has another OperationalActivity which uses the context-free OperationalActivity by specifying that the ProxyActivity is performed at that OperationalNode. The proxy is referenced using either a callBehaviorAction or a callOperationAction if the OperationalTask was defined for the proxy.
    Using this proxy pattern, multiple Operational Nodes can effectively perform the same context-free OperationalActivity. Instead of defining an OperationalTask on every OperationalNode that defines a proxy for the context-free OperationalActivity, create an OperationalNodeSpecification with an OperationalTask that corresponds to the context-free OperationalActivity. When an OperationalNode defines a ProxyActivity, it sets the Specification attribute on the proxy to the OperationalTask owned by the OperationalNodeSpecification and then the OperationalNode implements (realizes) the OperationalNodeSpecification. Using this pattern, it is easy to determine every OperationalNode that performs that context-free (common) OperationalActivity simply by examining the Method attribute of the corresponding OperationalTask, defined on the OperationalNodeSpecification, which will be a collection of the ProxyActivities.

  • Reported: UPDM 1.0b1 — Wed, 5 Dec 2007 05:00 GMT
  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:59 GMT