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  1. OMG Issue

SMRTANT — Section: 6.3

  • Key: SMRTANT-15
  • Legacy Issue Number: 12344
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Red Hat ( Robert Kukura)
  • Summary:

    Reference (SmartAnt FTF Issues List): #16 The relationship between the Device interfaces and the Control interfaces does not seem to be fully specified in this document. For example the AlgorithmControl interface has a <<readwrite>> Algorithms attribute that is a set of SAAlgorithmDevice instances. It doesn't say anything about how the SAAlgorithmDevice instances get created and registered with the AlgorithmControl interface, or what it means to modify this. Is this relationship between Devices and Controls sufficiently specified by the Component Framework Specification? Could you point me to the appropriate section?

  • Reported: smartant 1.0b1 — Thu, 20 Mar 2008 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — smartant 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    Following resolutions are to clarify the relationship between SAControl and other components.
    1. For the components that are included in Smart Antenna specification (i.e. SAAlgorithm component, Synchronization component and Calibration component), operations for register and unregister have been added in SAControl.
    For example, when SAAlgorithm instance gets created, the SAAlgorithm component shall call SAControl's register operation for registering itself with SAControl. Conversely, when SAAlgorithm component is released, the component shall call unregister operation for unregistering from SAControl.
    2. For RFIFComponent that is not included in Smart Antenna specification, <<configureproperty>>RFDeviceNames: String[1...*] has been added in SAControl. This attribute is used to represent the name of RFIFComponent. To get RFIFComponent instance, SAControl shall request a reference of the component to NamingService with the name of the component.
    3. Stereotype of all SAControl's attributes that contain a set of other components has been replaced with <<readonly>>.

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 23:30 GMT