SDMN 1.0b2 FTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

SDMN — There are editorial issues in the Specification

  • Key: SDMN-69
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: BPM Advantage Consulting ( Dr. Stephen White)
  • Summary:

    This issue is to collect any typos found during the FTF.
    It should be one of the last issues resolved and balloted.

  • Reported: SDMN 1.0b1 — Wed, 11 Oct 2023 17:42 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — SDMN 1.0b2
  • Disposition Summary:

    Fix Specification Errors

    This issue collects any typos found in the specification that can't be resolved by other issue topics.

    • Remove OMG doc numbers for other specifications. We will rely on the Normative References section to show where to get the latest specifications.
    • In the Normative References Section:
      • Add the path to the Diagram Definition specification in the Normative References section.
        Change the path for the SCE specification to the proper path (e.g., /SCE/ instead of /SDMN/)
    • Remove redundant "OMG" prefixes to the named specifications in the Normative References section and Non-Normative References section.
    • Fix this in Section 2.2: "The implementation claiming conformance to the Shared Data Modeling Conformance SHALL comply with all of the requirements set forth in Clauses 8Error! Reference source not found., 9, and 10; and it should be conformant with the Visual Notation Conformance in Clause 14." - Error!
    • Section 3.1
    • Section 3.2 - Remove non-normative references, they are not needed.
    • Section 6.5 Abbreviations: Remove rows on BHMN, BKPMN, MDMI, MOF, PPMN, RFC, and SysMl - they is not used in the specification
    • Section 6.6: update listed clauses to reflect changes in the structure of the document
    • Section 7 Overview: multiple editorial changes throughout the section - mostly removing references to other specifications that have not yet been completed or are not specifically relevant to SDMN. Not all changes will be marked with a comment.
      • Replace figure 1 to remove other specifications that are not yet completed.
    • Remove this in Section 11.4 Model Artifacts
      • third paragraph (just after the figure): change "Connector connection" to "connection"
      • Notation subsection, first sentence: "Full details of Model Artifacts are available in the section entitled “ElementType”, above, but the notation of the elements is provided here for convenience."
    • The use of bold text for "BPM+" is inconsistent. Update text so that all instances of "BPM+" is in bold.
      This was a copy/paste error.
    • In Section 10.1 DataItem:
      • remove extraneous text (including paragraphs 1, 5, and 6). just focus on defining DataItems.
      • 7th paragraph, change "ItemAwareElement" to "DataItem"
    • In Section 10.1.1 DataItem, sub-section Notation: Change "The use of text, color, size, and lines for a Reference Connector SHALL follow..." to "The use of text, color, size, and lines for a DataItem SHALL follow"
    • Section 10.2 remove redundant figures for CompositionConnector, ContainmentConnector, and ReferenceConnector.
    • In Section 10.2.1 the table for ItemDefinition attributes, the row for muliplicityKind: change "default: ExactlyOne" to "default = ExactlyOne" (the : to =)
    • In Section 11.3.4: replace figure 29, it shows markers that are no longer being used.
    • Section 14 SDMN Examples. remove all references to KPMN or knowledge package.

    The itemKind and multiplicityKind attributes were mistakenly shown as mandatory. The resolutions for Issues SCE-7 and SCE-8 required that they be optional. Thus, the following fixes are needed:

    • The DataItem Metamodel figure is updated (the figure is not shown here since it will be updated by other issues)
    • The third row for the DataItem Attributes and/or Associations table (for multiplicityKind) is changed from "String [1]" to "String [0..1]"
    • The ItemDefinition Metamodel figure is updated (the figure is not shown here since it will be updated by other issues)
    • The forth row for the ItemDefinition Attributes and/or Associations table (for multiplicityKind) is changed from "String [1]" to "String [0..1]"
    • The third row for the ItemDefinition Attributes and/or Associations table (for itemKind) is changed from "String [1]" to "String [0..1]"
  • Updated: Mon, 17 Jun 2024 13:39 GMT