SDMN 1.0b2 FTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

SDMN — Are CompositionConnector and ContainmentConnector really different?

  • Key: SDMN-10
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Cognitive Medical Systems ( Thomas Beale)
  • Summary:

    Description of CompositionConnector:

    A CompositionConnector is used to define a relationship between DataItems. This relationship will specify that

    one DataItem is contained within another DataItem. This relationship supports the composition of DataItems.

    Description of ContainmentConnector:

    A ContainmentConnector is used to define a relationship between DataItems. This relationship will specify that

    one DataItem is contained within another DataItem. This relationship supports the containment of DataItems,
    including the parent and child association that exists between CMMN CaseFileItems.

    These are effectively the same and are aiming to replicate the UML composition relationship. The detailed description given in four bullet points for each class is also the same.

    The ContainmentConnector type seems to add needless complexity, possibly to accommodate some slight difference in CMMN data object semantics? If so, this should be abstracted away in SDMN, and dealt with in some SDMN / CMMN binding layer.

    Proposed change:

    • If the semantics of Composition and Containment are truly different, then make it clear how in the documentation.
    • Remove ContainmentConnector from the model.
  • Reported: SDMN 1.0a1 — Thu, 21 Apr 2022 20:16 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — SDMN 1.0b2
  • Disposition Summary:

    Clarify the difference between containment and composition in the spec

    The descriptive text in the spec did not clarify the differences between containment and composition.
    This proposal made changes to the text as clarifications.
    The two connectors are different and will both remain as part of SDMN.

  • Updated: Mon, 17 Jun 2024 13:39 GMT