Key: PSSM11-7
Status: open
Source: mit.bme.hu ( Zoltan Micskei)
The text of some of the test cases reference wrong figures. For example:
- Transition 015 (page 86): "The doActivity for state S1 state is exactly the same as the one presented in Figure 9.8.". The doActivity in Figure 9.8 contains an accepts and prints doActivityPartI and doActivityPartII. According to the PSSM test suite xml, the doActivity for Transition 015 just prints "S1(doActivity)" and does not contain any accept.
- Exiting 002 (page 132):
- “The state machine that is executed for this test is presented in Figure 9.8.” it is Figure 9.48.
- “The doActivity behavior of S1 has exactly the same behavior as the one presented in Figure 9.37” it is Figure 9.8.
Reported: PSSM 1.0 — Fri, 25 Sep 2020 06:51 GMT
Updated: Thu, 1 Oct 2020 16:50 GMT
PSSM11 — Wrong figure references in some of the test cases
- Key: PSSM11-7
- OMG Task Force: PSSM 1.1 RTF