Key: PDME14-15
Legacy Issue Number: 4146
Status: closed
Source: Thematix Partners LLC ( Mr. Edward J. Barkmeyer)
Specification: PDM Enablers v1.3 clause
Source: Ted Briggs, Intergraph (SC4 AP227 project)
Problem: To support the capture of the was/is relationships to The EngChangeAffectedData relationship should have two explicit
-type, which is the "role" of the Changeable item affected by the change, e.g. starting revision of target part, technical
manual, manufacturing fixture, manufacturing process, reference process, fit requirement, etc. This is important for Issues and
ECRs that are in some state of development and for high-level ECRs that are issued but require refinement to specific
-status, which may be the current "disposition", which reflects the status of management decisions about the relationship of the
ECI (particularly issues and ECRs) to that item, e.g. tentative, pending, approved, obsoletes, etc. This is particularly useful
when the Changeable is qualified by Serial or Lot numbers, some of which may be firm, while others are questionable and may
subsequently be deleted from the list. The current text suggests values of "disposition" that seem to be suitable only for
Also, EngChangeAffectedItem is the preferred nomenclature: it is usually a Part, Document or Process, all of which are
ItemRevisions, and ItemRevision seems to be the only class that inherits from Changeable. -
Reported: PDME 1.3 — Thu, 11 Jan 2001 05:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — PDME 1.4
Disposition Summary:
see below
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT
PDME14 — was/is relationships to The EngChangeAffectedData relationship
- Key: PDME14-15
- OMG Task Force: PDM RTF 1.4