Key: MVF-12
Status: closed
Source: Thematix Partners LLC ( Mrs. Elisa F. Kendall)
This is similar to issue
MVF-5, where that class was not explicitly defined in the ontology from the outset. -
Reported: MVF 1.0a1 — Thu, 27 Apr 2023 17:15 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — MVF 1.0
Disposition Summary:
Augment the MVF ontology to include a class for MVF Element
The resolution to this issue impacts several parts of the ontology, requiring certain constraints to be loosened or eliminated due to adding restrictions on string-valued properties to MVF Element. The solution also addresses a logical inconsistency in the terms and definitions ontology for ISO 1087 that was identified during testing.
Updated: Mon, 2 Oct 2023 12:57 GMT
- MVF Class Hierarchy.png 31 kB (image/png)
- MVF Class Hierarchy.svg 481 kB (image/svg+xml)
- MVF Element Class Diagram.png 72 kB (image/png)
- MVF Element Class Diagram.svg 672 kB (image/svg+xml)
- MVF Vocabulary Class Diagram.png 71 kB (image/png)
- MVF Vocabulary Class Diagram.svg 601 kB (image/svg+xml)
- MVF Vocabulary Entry Class Diagram.png 141 kB (image/png)
- MVF Vocabulary Entry Class Diagram.svg 1.08 MB (image/svg+xml)
MVF — The MVF ontology is missing the class "MVFElement"
- Key: MVF-12
- OMG Task Force: Multiple Vocabulary Facility (MVF) 1.0 FTF