Key: KDM14-63
Legacy Issue Number: 15276
Status: closed
Source: Benchmark Consulting ( Alain Picard)
In the Action Package, the codeElement at the to endpoint of the ActionElement, AbstractCodeElement relation should be marked as ordered.
This would be consistent with all other subsets of ownedElement with a mulitiplicity greater than 1 from the code model that also point to AbstractCodeElement which are all ordered. Given that these are owned code elements, and I quote, “nested action elements, or nested BlockUnits, or nested definitions of datatypes and computational objects”, losing the ordering of such elements goes counter to the design of the code model and has huge impact as we have to make ordering assumptions to make sense of the content.
Reported: KDM 1.2 — Sat, 5 Jun 2010 04:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — KDM 1.4
Disposition Summary:
Add "ordered" to owned CodeElement in Action
Add "ordered" to owned CodeElement in Action as per issue description. Remove "ordered" from AbstractActionRelationship association.
Updated: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 14:44 GMT