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  1. OMG Issue

JAV2I12 — Mapping of ExceptionDetailMessage service context

  • Key: JAV2I12-8
  • Legacy Issue Number: 4656
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: hursley.ibm.com ( Simon Nash)
  • Summary:

    The interop RTF resolved issue 3405 by adding a new service context called
    ExceptionDetailMessage. The usage of this service context was left to
    language mappings to define. This usage has been defined for the IDL to Java
    mapping (issue 4013) but not for the Java to IDL mapping.

    The resolution for issue 4013 defines how this service context shall be used
    when marshaling and unmarshaling system exceptions. However, an RMI-IIOP client
    never receives a system exception, but instead receives a mapped RemoteException
    or RuntimeException that was created by applying the rules specified in
    section 1.4.8. Currently these rules do not take account of any detail message
    that the system exception has acquired from the ExceptionDetailMessage service
    context by applying the mappings specified by the resolution of issue 4013.

    In order to ensure that this valuable diagnostic information is available on
    exceptions received by RMI-IIOP clients as well as IDL clients, I propose the
    following change to section 1.4.8 of the Java to IDL mapping spec.

    Proposed resolution:

    After table 1-2, replace

    "In all cases, ..."


    "If the getMessage() method of the CORBA system exception returns a non-null
    and non-empty string, the RMI exception is created with this string as its
    detail string. In all other cases, ..."

  • Reported: JAV2I 1.1 — Thu, 1 Nov 2001 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — JAV2I 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    see above

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT