FIGI 1.0 FTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

FIGI — Clarificaiton of different types of identifiers

  • Key: FIGI-12
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Bloomberg LP ( Richard Beatch [X] (Inactive))
  • Summary:

    Raised by Pete Rivett:

    The definitions of the three types of identifiers does not clearly outline that the Composite Global Identifier is, in most cases, a national grouping of the identifiers used to correspond to the various exchanges in the given country. Both this definition and the corresponding definitions of the identifiers need to be revised to reflect this.

  • Reported: FIGI 1.0b1 — Thu, 16 Apr 2015 17:37 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — FIGI 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    Clarificaiton of different types of identifiers

    This item affects both the specification and the machine readable files. The required changes are as follows:

    1. In section 6.1.1 add the following sentence to the first bullet:
    "The granularity of this identifier is found in that which it identifies. In particular, the most basic FIGI identifies a financial instrument, where applicable, at the trading venue level. That is, where applicable, the Global Identifier identifies a Financial Instrument within the context of an exchange venue ."
    2. In section 6.1.1 add the following sentence to the second bullet:
    "The purpose of this “version” of the identifier is to group individual identifiers, as per above, into groupings at the country level. This is not, however, merely a grouping of financial instruments. Rather, a Composite Global Identifier identifies a unique financial instrument within the context of a country."
    3. In section 6.1.1 add the following sentence to the third bullet:
    "Similar to a Composite Global Identifier, the Share Class Global Identifier identifies a financial instrument within the context of the global perspective, e.g., aapl common stock ."

    Machine Readables:
    update the definitions in the annotations for CompostieGlobalIdentifier, GlobalIdentifier, and ShareClassGlobalIdentifier to reflect the definitions in the specification.

  • Updated: Fri, 2 Oct 2015 15:42 GMT