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  1. OMG Issue

FACE — Review document for naming convention consistency

  • Key: FACE-13
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: MITRE ( Ms. Sarah Douglass)
  • Summary:

    (From Pete Rivette) Use same naming conventions for FACE Technical Standard throughout document (some inconsistencies)

  • Reported: FACE 1.0a1 — Sat, 20 Mar 2021 11:44 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — FACE 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    Use "FACE Technical Standard" uniformly

    Ensure that all references to the "FACE 3.0 Technical Standard" are replaced with "FACE Technical Standard, Edition 3.0" and that all references to "FACE Technical Specification" are changed to reference "FACE Technical Standard".

    This is a PERVASIVE change that includes changes to headings. Although not reflected in the attached file, the Table of Contents will also need to be regenerated. See attached file to view changes. To find all the locations that were changed, look for comments marked FACE-13. There were 33 changes in all.

  • Updated: Mon, 4 Oct 2021 17:10 GMT
  • Attachments: