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  1. OMG Issue

CPP1114 — Fixed is now broken

  • Key: CPP1114-6
  • Status: closed   Implementation work Blocked
  • Source: Self ( Jonathan Biggar)
  • Summary:

    The fixed type was changed from the old C++ mapping, removing the non-template Fixed class and mandating that Fixed be implemented as a template. These changes disrupted the careful design of Fixed support for C++ in several ways:

    1. There is now no information or guidance about what type is used when declaring a fixed constant in IDL.

    2. The original specification was careful to not mandate whether the C++ mapping used a template definition to enforce constant digits and scale values for fixed point data defined in IDL, yet specifically states that the user should only use the typedefs generated by the IDL compiler Thus the current specification unnecessarily limits implementation choice for fixed point support for no useful implementation purpose.

    3. Removal of the non-template Fixed class makes it harder for the implementation to meet the "double precision (62 digit)" arithmetic guarantee.

    The C++ mapping for Fixed should be restored use the language of the old C++ 1.3 language mapping.

  • Reported: CPP11 1.2 — Mon, 6 Nov 2017 00:58 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — CPP11 1.4
  • Disposition Summary:

    Updates to the mapping of the IDL Fixed data type

    Change the mapping of the IDL fixed type data to allow some more implementation flexibility and familiarity from the IDL-to-C++ mapping.

  • Updated: Mon, 1 Apr 2019 18:18 GMT