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CORBA24 — Policy Management in the ORB core

  • Key: CORBA24-92
  • Legacy Issue Number: 3614
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: ( Nick Sharman)
  • Summary:

    (All document refs to ptc/00-03-02, but I think the relvant sections are the
    same in ptc/00-04-05)

    (a) Sec. (Object::get_policy) says that the "effective Policy is the
    intersection of the values allowed by the effective override and the
    IOR-specified Policy." What does this mean? For example, the example
    MyPolicy given in 4.8.5 appears to define some range or interval, so the
    intersection of two MyPolicy objects has some meaning - but I doubt if it's
    reasonable to expect the ORB to deduce that.

    I suggest that the effective policy is:

    • any override of that type if there is one, else
    • any IOR-specified policy of that type if there is one, else
    • the system default of that type if there is one, else
    • the null Policy reference (or a system exception? which?).

    This is feasible and consistent with normal meaning of "override" as
    "replace", not "modify".

    (b) Sec. (Object::get_client_policy) suggests that the ORB searches
    the object's overrides, then PolicyCurrent's overrides, then PolicyManager's
    overrides. If it can't find any in those, then it can return the system
    default. I suggest the system default be left out of this search - it's not
    an override, it's a final default - and that we define what happens if no
    policy of the right type can be found, either null or a system exception.

    (c) Sec. (Object::set_policy_overrides) and sec.
    (PolicyManager::set_policy_overrides) both allow the existing set of
    overrides either to be replaced or to be extended.

    If the set is to be extended, and the new overrides contain a Policy of a
    type for which there is already an override, should the supplied Policy
    (1) replace the existing Policy silently, or
    (2) be ignored silently, or
    (3) cause a system exception (and which)?

    Whatever the value of 'set_add', if the supplied Policy list contains two
    Policies of the same type, which one prevails, if any? I suggest
    "implementation defined", but we could mandate a system exception.

  • Reported: CORBA 2.3.1 — Mon, 15 May 2000 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — CORBA 2.4
  • Disposition Summary:

    Incorporate changes and close issue

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT