Key: CORBA24-60
Legacy Issue Number: 3174
Status: closed
Source: Triodia Technologies Pty Ltd ( Michi Henning)
the following text in the spec could be made a bit clearer:
2. If the POA has the IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION policy and either the
POA has the MULTIPLE_ID policy or the specified servant is not
active, the servant is activated using a POA-generated Object Id
and the Interface Id associated with the servant, and that Object
Id is returned.Although it is stated elsewhere that IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION requires SYSTEM_ID,
it wouldn't hurt to reflect this here too:2. If the POA has the IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION policy and either the
POA has the MULTIPLE_ID policy or the specified servant is not
active and the POA has the SYSTEM_ID policy, the servant is
activated using a POA-generated Object Id
and the Interface Id associated with the servant, and that Object
Id is returned.Another question:
What should be returned if the USER_ID policy is present?
The spec doesn't say. Given that we can't add a new user exception,
OBJ_ADAPTER seems appropriate. -
Reported: CORBA 2.3.1 — Tue, 4 Jan 2000 05:00 GMT
Disposition: Closed; No Change — CORBA 2.4
Disposition Summary:
Close with no change, since a POA cannot have IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION and USER_ID.
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT