I have a question about the OMG Lightweight Log version 1.1. (Note: I am aware that the Lightweight Log is not required by SCA 2.2.2. My questions assume that I am testing a radio that has a Lightweight Log.) Section 2 states "...the class Log does not communicate directly with the rest of the environment. Communication with the surrounding environment is handled through three distinct interfaces." It lists these as the LogProducer, LogConsumer, and LogAdmin interfaces. Section 3 defines the CORBA mapping for the LogProducer, LogConsumer, and LogAdministrator interfaces. Section 4 defines a new Log interface: module CosLwLog { interface Log : LogAdministrator, LogConsumer, LogProducer {}; }; The Log interface combines the functionality of the LogProducer, LogConsumer, and LogAdministrator interfaces. This appears to contradict Section 2, which says Log communication is through three distinct interfaces. Should the radio provide the Log interface defined in Section 4? Or should the radio only provide the LogProducer, LogConsumer, and LogAdministrator interfaces to comply with Section 2?