In section on page 13 top of page after end of fixed font Java code:
• <IntarfaceName> is the interface name indicated in Table 7.4.
<IntarfaceName> should be <InterfaceName>
In Clause, Sequence of non Basic Types, the text describing when to throw an exception is somewhat repetitive.
In Clause Unions, the requirement for implementing is repeated.
In section on page 16 paragraph before the union U1 example:
[...] The first modifier method shall
take no arguments, return void, and setsthe discriminant to the first available default value starting from a 0 index of the
discriminant type.
setsthe should be set the.
In section 8.1.3 table 8.2 column "IDL Construct", repeated typo:
Accesor should be Accessor.
In particular, on page 32:
Structure Member Name in
Accesor/Modifier Methods
Union Member Name in
Accesor/Modifier Methods
and on page 33:
Interface Attribute Name in
Accesor/Modifier Methods
Exception Member Name in
Accesor/Modifier Methods
Bitfield Name in Bitset
Accesor/Modifier Methods
Throughout the document URIs starting with "http://" should start with "https://" instead.