UPOS 1.15.1 RTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

UPOS1151 — EVRW State Diagrams are incorrectly copy and pasted.

  • Key: UPOS1151-13
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Microsoft ( Mr. Tadashi Furuhata)
  • Summary:

    UPOS 1.15 EVRW chapter had several area incorrectly copy and pasted.
    Currently we proposed UPOS 1.15 EVRW and approved AB, was the content of 15_ElectronicValueReaderWriter.pdf.
    When we compared the proposed UPOS 1.15 EVRW and current OMG pre-released UPOS 1.15 of formal-20-01-05, did have differences since it looks like having the incorrect copy and paste.
    We would like to ask correcting those as attached PNG files.
    1. EVRW State Diagrams.
    15.3.12 EVRW Sequence Diagram and following 3 sequence diagrams.
    EVRW-3 PNG
    2. 15.3.13 EVRW State Diagram
    This should be replaced as EVRW-5.PNG
    3. EVRW Service Type Property value
    EVRW_ST_CAT was missing.
    Need to change to EVRW Service Type Property Update in 1.15.PNG.
    4. 15.3.13 EVRW State Diagram
    During the copy and paste correction activity, we re-evaluate the EVRW chapter and found the need correction area.
    Since EVRW-4.PNG sequence will occur after initialization before termination.
    Therefore, we need the change this to EVRW-6.PNG
    And to make paste into the EVRW chapter, EVRW-6_State Diagram.pptx file is also attached.
    After those changes are made now, UPOS1.15.1 EVRW chapter is perfect.

  • Reported: UPOS 1.15 — Wed, 29 Jun 2022 08:51 GMT
  • Updated: Tue, 9 Jul 2024 00:52 GMT
  • Attachments: