Key: UML25-199
Legacy Issue Number: 17600
Status: closed
Source: Object Management Group ( Andrew Watson)
1. 13.4 Classifier Descriptions, Association Ends, p315
"Behaviosr" -> "Behavio(u)r"2. 7.4.3 Semantics, Namespaces, p32
"A namespace may also import NamedElements ...". "namespace" should be capitalised ("Namespace").3. 7.8 Classifier Descriptions, ElementImport [Class], Attributes, p49
"whetherthe" -> "whether the".4. 9.9 Classifier Descriptions, Operations, p165
"is the same or a subtype as" -> "is the same or a subtype of". -
Reported: UML 2.5b1 — Wed, 19 Sep 2012 04:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — UML 2.5
Disposition Summary:
1. “Behaviosr” no longer appears in the text. No change.
2. The problem remains: fix it.
3. “whetherthe” no longer appears in the text. No change.
4. “is the same or a subtype as” appears in ValueSpecification::isCompatibleWith and Property::isCompatibleWith;
fix it. -
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:59 GMT