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  1. OMG Issue

UML22 — Section: 13.3.2

  • Key: UML22-775
  • Legacy Issue Number: 8295
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: U. S. Geological Survey ( Jane Messenger)
  • Summary:

    Specialization mentioned for the association context:BehavioredClassifier[0..1] is not shown on figure 311. Multiplicities for ownedParameter:Parameter in the text do not agree with fig. 311. According to the text the ownedParameter:Parameter references a list of parameters "that can be given" which implies that no parameters may be given and therefore the multiplicity should be [0..*]. This is not what is shown in fig. 311. Multiplicities for remaining associations listed do not agree between the text and the diagrams (fig. 311 & 313). Multiplicities should probably be [0..*] which are not what are shown in figs. 311 & 313. Add the specialization for the association redefinedBehavior:Behavior in the text to agree with fig. 311. Specializations listed for the associations precondition:Constraint and postcondition:Constraint do not agree with fig. 313. Figure 313 shows that these associations subset ownedRule. Add OCL notation to the constraints where possible or indicate that OCL notation is not available.

  • Reported: UML 2.0 — Thu, 17 Feb 2005 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — UML 2.1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    In the recent version of the specification, the specialization for context:BehavioredClassifier has already been added. The multiplicities mentioned above are all “” which is equivalent to “0..”. To correct the remaining mismatch between text and diagram:

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT