Key: UML22-43
Legacy Issue Number: 7339
Status: closed
Source: Missouri University of Science and Technology ( Thomas Weigert)
Property defines an association "datatype". This association is redundant for the following reasons:
A DataType is a kind of classifier, so saying that a property can be owned by a DataType adds nothing new. (ii) as feature, one can navigate from the property to the featuringClassifier, and so the navigability to an owning data type is already given. Moreover, an association to a data type would be incorrect if the property would otherwise be owned by a different Classifier. Moreover, if this property is owned by a classifier, there is no guarantee that the datatype association references the same DataType. There are no consistency constraints. Anyway, this association is redundant, can possibly lead to inconsistent models, and should be deleted. The last sentence on p.92 "A property may be owned by and in the namespace of a datatype." is correct even if the association is deleted. However, this sentence adds no new information either and is best deleted also.
Reported: UML 2.0 — Sat, 15 May 2004 04:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — UML 2.2
Disposition Summary:
see pages 14 - 17 of ptc/2011-01-19
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT
UML22 — Property defines an association "datatype" which is redundant
- Key: UML22-43
- OMG Task Force: UML 2.2 RTF