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  1. OMG Issue

UML22 — ReadSelfAction

  • Key: UML22-1358
  • Legacy Issue Number: 7562
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: oose Innovative Informatik eG ( Mr. Tim Weilkiens)
  • Summary:

    ReadSelfAction has the contraint: "The action must be contained in an activity that has a host classifier." On the other hand the semantic section describes: "For activities that have no other context object, the activity itself is the context object." A ReadSelfAction within an activity without a host classifier object returns the activity object. So the constraint is superfluous.

  • Reported: UML 2.0 — Mon, 5 Jul 2004 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — UML 2.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    This was fixed as part of 7319.

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 22:55 GMT