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  1. OMG Issue

UML22 — ReadLinkAction - Constraints use deprecated UML elements

  • Key: UML22-1267
  • Legacy Issue Number: 7187
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: PostFinance ( Karl Guggisberg)
  • Summary:

    The constraints of ReadLinkAction use deprecated UML elements like AssociationEnd and refer to undefined properties like "isNavigable".

    Here's a proposal for updated OCL fragments:

    [2] The type and ordering of the result output pin are same as the type and ordering of the open association end.

    let openend : Property = self.endData->select(ed | ed.value->size() = 0)>asSequence()>first().end in self.result.type = openend.type and self.result.isOrdered = openend.isOrdered

    [3] The multiplicity of the open association end must be compatible with the multiplicity of the result output pin.

    let openend : Property = self.endData->select(ed | ed.value->size() = 0)>asSequence()>first().end in – NOTE: does not make sense, as long as OutputPin is not a specialization of – MultiplicityElement ! openend.includesMultiplicity(self.result)

    [4] The open end must be navigable. let openend : Property = self.endData->select(ed | ed.value->size() = 0)>asSequence()>first().end in – the property is navigable, if it is not owned by an association, but by – a classifier openend.association->isEmpty() and openend.classifier->notEmpty()

    [5] Visibility of the open end must allow access to the object performing the action. let host : Classifier = self.activity.hostClassifier() in let openend : Property = self.endData->select(ed | ed.value->size() = 0)>asSequence()>first().end in

    – NOTE: not clear, what the following OCL fragment specifies. For instance, what is – "oed.end.participant" ? – openend.visibility = #public or self.endData->exists(oed | not oed.end = openend and (host = oed.end.participant or (openend.visibility = #protected and host.allParents()->includes(oed.end.participant))))

  • Reported: UML 2.0 — Sun, 21 Mar 2004 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — UML 2.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    see above

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 22:54 GMT