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  1. OMG Issue

UML22 — State - Constraints - errors in OCL and inconsistencies

  • Key: UML22-1221
  • Legacy Issue Number: 7046
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: PostFinance ( Karl Guggisberg)
  • Summary:

    State - Constraints - errors in OCL and inconsistencies

    "[1] There have to be at least two regions in an orthogonal composite state (self.isOrthogonal) implies (self.region->size >= 2)"

    Delete this constraint. It is equal to Constraint [7] .

    "[2] Only submachine states can have connection point references." Add the following formulation in OCL:

    not(self.connection->isEmpty()) implies isSubmachineState = true

    "[5] A simple state is a state without any regions. isSimple = content.isEmpty()"

    OCL should be isSimple = region->isEmpty()

    "[6] Acomposite state is a state with at least one region. isComposite = content.notEmpty()"

    OCL should be isComposite = region->notEmpty()

    "[7] An orthogonal state is a composite state with at least 2 regions isOrthogonal = (context.size() >= 2)"

    OCL should be: isOrthogonal = (region->size() >= 2)

    "[8] Only submachine states can have a reference statemachine. isSubmachineState = submachine.notEmpty()"

    OCL should be: isSubmachineState = submachine->notEmpty()

    "[9] A Protocol state (state belonging to a protocol state machine) has no entry or exit or do activity actions. entry->isEmpty() and exit->isEmpty() and doActivity->isEmpty()"

    OCL should be:

    let parentStateMachine = self.containingStateMachine() in if parentStateMachine->notEmpty() then if parentStateMachine->at(1).oclIsTypeOf(ProtocolStateMachine) then self.entry->isEmpty() and self.exit->isEmpty() and self.doActivity->isEmpty() endif endif

    "[10] Protocol states cannot be deep or shallow history pseudo states. if oclIsTypeOf(Pseudostate) then (kind <> #deepHistory) and (kind <> #shallowHistory)"

    OCL should be:

    let parentStateMachine = self.containingStateMachine() in if parentStateMachine->notEmpty() then if parentStateMachine->at(1).oclIsTypeOf(ProtocolStateMachine) then (self.kind <> #deepHistory) and (self.kind <> #shallowHistory) end if end if

    Furthermore, this constraint should be moved to 15.3.8, because it is a constraint for PseudoState, not for State.

  • Reported: UML 2.0 — Sun, 29 Feb 2004 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — UML 2.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    see above

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 22:54 GMT