UAF 1.0 FTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

UAF — SysML Version

  • Key: UAF-1
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Independent ( Leonard Levine)
  • Summary:

    Make all specific references to SysML comply with the specification's normative reference to SysML 1.4 (see Section 3.2).

    The following three (3) sections and four (4) errors refer to SysML 1.3. They should refer to SysML 1.4

    (1) Section 1.2 Intended Users (page 3) has one (1) error. It says,
    "This document specifies a SysML v1.3 profile to enable practitioners to express architectural model elements and organize them in a
    set of specified viewpoints and views that support the specific needs of systems engineers in the defense and manufacturing
    (2) Section 2.Conformance (page 5) has one (1) error. It says,
    "UAFP 1.0 specifies one level of compliance corresponding to supporting a SysML TM profile using SysML v 1.3."
    (3). Section 6.2 Language Architecture (page 11) has two (2) errors. It says,
    " The UAFP specification reuses a subset of UML 2 and SysML 1.3...
    This specification documents the language architecture in terms of the UML 2 and SysML 1.3 parts..."

    All sections and page numbers refer to:

  • Reported: UAF 1.0b1 — Fri, 19 Aug 2016 15:16 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — UAF 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    SysML Version

    Make all specific references to SysML comply with the specification's normative reference to SysML 1.4 (see Section 3.2).

    The following three (3) sections and four (4) errors refer to SysML 1.3. They should refer to SysML 1.4

    (1) Section 1.2 Intended Users (page 3) has one (1) error. It says,
    "This document specifies a SysML v1.3 profile to enable practitioners to express architectural model elements and organize them in a
    set of specified viewpoints and views that support the specific needs of systems engineers in the defense and manufacturing
    (2) Section 2.Conformance (page 5) has one (1) error. It says,
    "UAFP 1.0 specifies one level of compliance corresponding to supporting a SysML TM profile using SysML v 1.3."
    (3). Section 6.2 Language Architecture (page 11) has two (2) errors. It says,
    " The UAFP specification reuses a subset of UML 2 and SysML 1.3...
    This specification documents the language architecture in terms of the UML 2 and SysML 1.3 parts..."

    All sections and page numbers refer to:

  • Updated: Mon, 16 Oct 2017 15:16 GMT