Legacy Issue Number: 3734
Status: open
Source: Fujitsu ( Stephen McConnell [X] (Inactive))
Section 2.5.3 "Technical Note" of formal/00-05-03 contains the following statement: "In the absence of a value based mechanism to express the kind of links that can exist between resources, the following hierarchy shall be assumed in evaluation of the correspondence of a link kind during the execution of the expand operation on AbstractResource. Non shaded blocks indicate abstract link kind values; whereas, shaded blocks indicate concrete link kinds". In order to properly declare inheritance structure of Links it recommended that a Link valuetype be defined as a replacement to the existing Link struct.
Reported: TSKSES 1.0b2 — Thu, 29 Jun 2000 04:00 GMT
Updated: Wed, 11 Mar 2015 11:15 GMT
TSKSESF2 — Definition of Link as a valuetype (section 2.5.3, p 2-6)remains outstanding
- Key: TSKSESF2-3
- OMG Task Force: Task and Session RTF 3