1. OMG Issue

TSKSESF2 — Ambiguity of the containment relationship

  • Key: TSKSESF2-1
  • Legacy Issue Number: 3171
  • Status: open  
  • Summary:

    The Task and Session Specification defines a "contains" relationship between
    a Workspace and AbstractResources contained by the workspace. An
    AbstractResources may be contained within many Workspaces and Workspaces are
    themselves AbstractResources. However, the semantics of "contains" with
    respect to strong or weak aggregation are ambiguous. Achievement of
    consistent behaviour of lifecycle operations (remove, copy and move) across
    implementations requires explicit distinction between strong containment as
    opposed to weak containment. Strong containment is required in order to
    associate a resource with 0 to 1 principal workspace. Under strong
    containment, the removal of a containing workspace implies the removal of
    strongly contained resources. Under weak containment the removal of a
    containing workspace implies the removal of "contained_by" relationships
    held by contained resources towards the workspace. Under strong containment,
    it should be illegal for a resource to strongly contain a resource it is
    already strongly contained by.

  • Reported: TSKSES 1.0b1 — Tue, 28 Dec 1999 05:00 GMT
  • Updated: Wed, 11 Mar 2015 11:15 GMT