SystemsModelingAPI 1.0b3 FTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

SYSMOAS_ — DataVersion.identity multiplicity

  • Key: SYSMOAS_-78
  • Status: open  
  • Source: IncQuery Labs Ltd. ( Dr. Gábor Bergmann)
  • Summary:

    From Tim Weilkiens <>

    I got the following question from someone who does some experiments with the API:

    Here is an excerpt from the SysML v2 API specification:

    > For creating new Data, CommitRequest.change should include a DataVersion where DataVersion.payload includes the Data being created and DataVersion.identity is not specified.

    It says that DataVersion.identity must not be specified when creating new data.

    However, how can one commit new data with multiple elements that reference each other, if we cannot provide IDs to the elements that will allow each of them to be referenced from other elements via its ID?

    As a side note, it has been noticed that the Juypter notebook support for SysMLv2 in the SysML release does specify the “identity” during the creation of new data, when it publishes a model via “%publish …”. This has been verified by using an HTTP sniffer to sniff the POST command that was send

    Note: the PIM spec also says something similar

    > (1) Creating Data - Commit.change should include a DataVersion record with DataVersion.payload populated with the Data being created. DataVersion.identity is not provided, thereby indicating that a new DataIdentity needs to be created in the new commit.

  • Reported: SystemsModelingAPI 1.0b2 — Fri, 10 May 2024 14:02 GMT
  • Updated: Wed, 29 May 2024 00:12 GMT