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SYSMLR — update constraints to set sourceContext and targetContext of «DirectedRelationshipPropertyPath»

  • Key: SYSMLR-324
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: GfSE e.V. ( Mr. Robert Karban)
  • Summary:

    Constraint [2] in DirectedRelationshipPropertyPath, p 55 says that targetContext must be specified when targetPropertyPath has a value.
    There are cases where targetPropertyPath does not have a value but still should be set.

    See attached example and cases P, R, T.

    Case R must have targetContext set to «block»D, and Case P must have targetContext set to «block»A, instead of being empty. For completeness, in Case T, targetContext must be set to «block»D. We believe that this would be technically consistent with the current SysML 1.4 specification.
    Constraint [2] says that targetContext must be specified when targetPropertyPath has a value. In Case R, targetPropertyPath does not have a value.
    But, it would be consistent with Section, including Constraint [2], to assign a value even if targetPropertyPath has no value. Constraint [2] uses the term ‘when’ rather than ‘when and only when’.

    Update constraints [1] and [2] to say that sourceContext and targetContext must be set when source or target is a property.

  • Reported: SysML 1.4 — Sun, 11 Sep 2016 17:10 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — SysML 1.5
  • Disposition Summary:

    Update constraints [1] and [2]

    in DirectedRelationshipPropertyPath, p55

    [6]The type of the property at the last position of the sourcePropertyPath list must own or inherit the source of the stereotyped directed relationship.
    [7]The type of the property at the last position of the targetPropertyPath list must own or inherit the target of the stereotyped directed relationship.

    [6]The type of the property at the last position of the sourcePropertyPath list must own or inherit the source of the stereotyped directed relationship. The sourceContext must be set when source is a property.
    [7]The type of the property at the last position of the targetPropertyPath list must own or inherit the target of the stereotyped directed relationship. The targetContext must be set when target is a property.

  • Updated: Thu, 6 Apr 2017 13:49 GMT
  • Attachments: