Key: SYSML17-502
Status: open
Source: Elparazim ( Edward Roberts)
2_no_part Interface blocks composite properties are either ports, value properties or flow properties.
self.base_Class.ownedAttribute->select(a|a.isComposite)->forAll(a | a.oclIsKindOf(UML::Port) or a.oclIsKindOf(ValueType))This OCL does not cover all of FlowProperties... FlowProperties can be typed by ValueTypes, Signals, or Blocks... so it does not cover Signals or Blocks (so presumably Signal and Block typed FlowProperties can only be aggregates, which I think is wrong)
Presumably, an AggregationKind=shared of FlowProperties means that the block does not own the Flow but has a reference to that flow... (this is not really specified well or talked about in the standard)...
But the issue is that if you want a FlowProperty that is typed by Block or Signal... you can not because of this OCL... it has to be a ValueType... I think this is wrong
Reported: SysML 1.6 — Thu, 4 Nov 2021 16:29 GMT
Updated: Thu, 4 Nov 2021 17:45 GMT