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  1. OMG Issue

SYSML17 — Compartments for Connectors and Participants

  • Key: SYSML17-395
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Elparazim ( Edward Roberts)
  • Summary:

    The Standard is not clear about compartments for Connectors and Participants... it is presumed that since Connectors has a OwnedConnectors in the metamodel in UML... that a "connectors" compartment is implied (but the standard should probably state as much to make sure tools are consistent)... there could also be a <<connector>> compartment according to the standard... so this needs to be consistent... there is nothing about Participants... so presumably they go into "properties" compartment... or a <<participants>> compartment... they are could be references (because they are composite) but one may not want to mix them in with references (I would not want to, but the standard may want to grant a compartment called "participants" for the purpose)

  • Reported: SysML 1.6 — Sat, 31 Oct 2020 16:26 GMT
  • Updated: Tue, 17 Nov 2020 16:50 GMT