Key: SYSML17-20
Legacy Issue Number: 12146
Status: closed
Source: No Magic ( Darren Kelly)
Figure B.9: clarify turnIgnitionToStart message on driver:Driver Is it supposed to be a message to self ? If so please include message to self path, otherwise explain,
Reported: SysML 1.0 — Wed, 2 Jan 2008 05:00 GMT
Disposition: Closed; No Change — SysML 1.7
Disposition Summary:
Diagram is changed as of formal/17-05-01
Reporter tagged this from formal/07-09-01 referring to diagram B.9.
As of formal/15-06-03 the issue remains but the diagram has changed name to D.9.
In formal/17-05-01 the ambiguous name symbol was deleted from the diagram and so the issue can be closed with no change.
Updated: Thu, 22 Dec 2022 13:45 GMT
- AnnexB Figue D.9 SYSMLR-21.JPG 31 kB ()
- SysML 1.4 Figure D.9.png 164 kB (image/png)
- SysML 1.5 Figure D.9.png 65 kB (image/png)