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SYSML16 — Setting flow properties on blocks with multiple behavioral ports

  • Key: SYSML16-462
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: NASA ( Dr. Nicolas F. Rouquette)
  • Summary:

    Setting a flow property on blocks with multiple behavioral ports that also have that property causes the new value to propagate out through all the ports (see test case in B.3.2.3, Block with Multiple Behavior ProxyPorts in Modelers should be able to specify which behavior port the value flows through.

  • Reported: SysML 1.5 — Fri, 27 Apr 2018 15:18 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — SysML 1.6
  • Disposition Summary:

    Add flow property value action, onport

    Provide the requested capability

  • Updated: Mon, 1 Apr 2019 18:17 GMT
  • Attachments: