Key: SYSML16-365
Status: closed
Source: Airbus Group ( Mr. Yves Bernard)
Copy constraint#2 states:
The text property of the client requirement is constrained to be a read-only copy of the text property of the supplier requirement.
While Copy constraint#3 states:
Constraint [2] is applied recursively to all subrequirements.
They should be merged in one unique constraint so that the requested recursivity could be formally stated in OCL using an helper operation
Reported: SysML 1.5 — Thu, 21 Sep 2017 08:33 GMT
Disposition: Duplicate or Merged — SysML 1.6
Disposition Summary:
Merged with SysML16-274
To be fixed as part of
SYSML16-311- Add an "Operations" sub clause with the following operation definition:
isCopy (in req1 : AbstractRequirement, in req2 : AbstractRequirement) : Boolean [1]
bodyCondition: let subReq1: Set(AbstractRequirement) = AbstractRequirement.allInstances()->select(r | req1.base_NamedElement.ownedElement->includes(r.base_NamedElement)) in let subReq2: Set(AbstractRequirement) = AbstractRequirement.allInstances()->select(r | req2.base_NamedElement.ownedElement->includes(r.base_NamedElement)) in req1.text = req2.text and subReq1->size() = subReq2->size() and subReq1->forAll(r1 | subReq2->exists(r2 | self.isCopy(r1, r2) ))
- Constraint#2's textual statement shall be replaced by:
The text property of the client requirement is constrained to be a read-only copy of the text property of the supplier requirement and this applies recursively to all subrequirements (i.e. requirements related by a containement relationship)
- Constraint#2's OCL statement shall be:
let cltReq: AbstractRequirement = AbstractRequirement.allInstances()->any(r | self.base_Abstraction.client->includes(r.base_NamedElement)) in let supReq: AbstractRequirement = AbstractRequirement.allInstances()->any(r | self.base_Abstraction.supplier->includes(r.base_NamedElement)) in self.isCopy(cltReq, supReq)
- Constrain#3 shall be deleted
- Add an "Operations" sub clause with the following operation definition:
Updated: Mon, 1 Apr 2019 18:17 GMT
SYSML16 — Copy constraints #2 and #3 shoud be merged together
- Key: SYSML16-365
- OMG Task Force: SysML 1.6 RTF