Key: SYSML14-22
Legacy Issue Number: 18269
Status: closed
Source: NASA ( Dr. Nicolas F. Rouquette)
In table 8.1, the notation for ValueType shows only the unit, it is missing the quantityKind.
There is no indication about what is the notation for a value property whose ValueType has a unit U and quantityKind QK.
Some tools show the unit and/or quantityKind tag/value pairs of the ValueType on the value property itself.
This notation could suggest that one could change the tag/values shown on the value property itself.It is important for the SysML spec to clarify that the tag/values of the type of a property should not be shown on the property itself.
This tool-specific practice in fact suggests that there is a missing capability; that is:QUDV unit and quantityKind could be specified on
the ValueType itself (in which case it applies to all value properties typed by this ValueType without any possibility to modify them)
The value property (in which case different value properties typed by the same ValueType could have different combinations of unit/quantityKind)
A combination of the two (e.g., specify the QuantityKind on the ValueType and specify the Unit on the value property)
However, what's really missing is support for specifying a "quantity value" in the sense of ISO 80000, that is: a combination of a number and a reference unit.
Without Unit information on a value, it is impossible to verify that the values in the model conform to the Unit/QuantityKind specified on the value property and/or the ValueType that is typing the value property.
This means that it is intrinsically impossible to have any verifiable guarantee that all values in a SysML model conform to the unit specified on the value properties (or their ValueType)Suggest the following:
Replace SysML::Unit and SysML::QuantityKind with QUDV::Unit and QUDV::QuantityKind
Add a new stereotype: ValueProperty extending UML::Property with:
ValueProperty::unit : QUDV::Unit[0..1]
ValueProperty::/effectiveUnit : QUDV::Unit[0..1] – it is derived by using ValueProperty::unit, if any and if not, by the ValueType::unit, if any, of the ValueProperty's type
ValueProperty::/effectiveQuantityKind : QUDV::QuantityKind[0..1] – it is derived from the ValueType::quantityKind of the type of the ValueProperty.
Add a new stereotype: QuantityValue extending UML::ValueSpecification with:
QuantityValue::unit : QUDV::Unit[0..1]
QuantityValue::/unitConstraint : QUDV::Unit[0..1] – if the QuantityValue is the default value of a ValueProperty, then unitConstraint is derived from ValueProperty::/effectiveUnit
Define the stereotype & tag/value pair notation for QUDV::Unit, QUDV::QuantityKind, ValueType, ValueProperty and QuantityValue -
Reported: SysML 1.3 — Tue, 20 Nov 2012 05:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — SysML 1.4
Disposition Summary:
This resolution addresses the issue of the duplication of the concepts of Unit and
QuantityKind between the SysML profile and the QUDV library by introducing a new,
3rd model library called UnitAndQuantityKind. A separate resolution will address the
issue of the notation for ValueType, including TypedElements (e.g. Property,
ValueSpecification) typed by a ValueType.
Since the SysML Architecture figures 4.2 and 4.3 need to be updated to reflect the
addition of a new model library, this resolution also addresses the inaccuracies
reported in issue 18456 where these figures only showed one of the 2 model
libraries, PrimitiveValueTypes, omitting the 2nd library, ControlValues. Also, part of
18456 involves showing the <<ModelLibrary>> stereotypes that should have been
applied to each of SysML’s model libraries. As indicated in SysML 1.3, section 17.2,
a SysML Model Library is a UML Package with the UML
StandardProfileL2::ModelLibrary stereotype applied. Due to tool limitations, the BDD
diagrams for the 2 SysML model libraries in this resolution show the UML notation for
StandardProfileL2::ModelLibrary, that is <<ModelLibrary>> rather than the SysMLspecific
notation which would be <<modelLibrary>> or “bdd [modelLibrary]” in the
diagram frame. These notation details may change editorially without affecting the
substance of the resolution.
Originally, SysML 1.0 and 1.1 had a single concept of Unit and a single concept of
Dimension. The duplication began in SysML 1.2 at the specification level where the concept of Dimension was renamed to QuantityKind as part of an alignment with the
new ISO 80000-1 standard and a new conceptual model of Quantities, Units,
Dimensions and Values (QUDV) was introduced only in the document as Annex C.5.
The specification-level duplication became a practical problem in SysML 1.3 where
the QUDV conceptual model became available as a non-normative machinereadable
XMI artifact. With SysML 1.3, users and tool vendors have several options
for modeling definitions of Units and QuantityKinds:- use the normative SysML stereotypes from the Blocks chapter
- use the non-normative QUDV libraries from Annex D.4
- use both in combination (e.g., apply the <<Unit>> stereotype to
InstanceSpecifications classified by QUDV::Unit)
These options multiply the cost of developing and maintaining libraries of Unit and
QuantityKind definitions. The 3 different options above apply for defining a Unit or a
QuantityKind. This means that there are 9 different options for defining the same pair
of Unit/QuantityKind. Within the International System of Units alone, there are 20
decimal prefixes and 8 binary prefixes that can each apply to a Unit. ISO 80000 has
14 parts; part 1 defines 45 units (7 base units, 18 in Table 2, 4 in Table 3, 10 in Table
5 and 6 in Table 6). Thus, a complete library of all legitimate pairs of
Unit/QuantityKind in scope of ISO-80000-1 involves 45 * 28 = 1,260 pairs of prefixed
units and quantity kinds. It would be counter-productive and prohibitively expensive
to attempt supporting nearly 10x different options of defining the same 1,260 pairs for
just ISO 80000-1. SysML needs to adopt one option. Which one?
Since the SysML Unit and QuantityKind stereotype provide a strict subset of the
functionality of the QUDV Unit and QuantityKind concepts, this resolution effectively
replaces the SysML::Blocks:: {Unit,QuantityKind} stereotypes with their QUDV Block
counterparts. That is, SysML::Blocks::Unit changes from being a Stereotype to being
a Class stereotyped by SysML’s Block. Similarly, SysML::Blocks::QuantityKind
changes from being a Stereotype to being a Class stereotyped by SysML’s Block.
Having changed the nature of Unit and QuantityKind from a Stereotype to a Class
means that Unit and QuantityKind are M1-level classes, not M2-level stereotype
extensions of metaclasses, it is important to clarify how the new Class-based Unit
and QuantityKind concepts are intended to be used for defining particular Units and
In principle, there are three ways to define Units and QuantityKinds:
1. as M1-level InstanceSpecifications classified by
SysML::Blocks::{Unit,QuantityKind}2. as M1-level Classes specializing SysML::Blocks::
{Unit,QuantityKind}3. as M1-level Classes that are instances of M2-level metaclasses Unit and
QuantityKind The third approach is outside the scope of the nature of SysML as a profile (a profile
cannot define new metaclasses).
The second approach requires fairly sophisticated tool support for specializing the
associations between SysML::Blocks::Unit and SysML::Blocks::QuantityKind.
Modeling association specialization is a challenging topic in UML because the
mechanisms involved (i.e., generalization, redefinition, subsetting) have subtle
distinctions (e.g., subsetting and redefinition are, respectively, in the domain of
extensional vs. intentional semantics respectively) and the consequences of their
combinations are difficult to analyze (e.g., disjoint vs. overlapping specialization).
These modeling challenge carry over to definitions of new ValueTypes where the
associations between ValueType and Unit/QuantityKind have to be specialized as
well. The specialization approach is particularly challenging to understand because it
inherently leads to asking questions about the meaning of the class-based
specializations of Unit/QuantityKind and about the existence and meaning of
instances of these classes.
The first approach based on InstanceSpecifications approach avoids the complexity
of the Class-based specialization of the 2nd approach. However, this
InstanceSpecification-based approach requires careful attention about the UML tool
support for modeling link instances of associations. In particular, such links must be
fully specified with slots for each association’s end property regardless of its
ownership by the association or classifier typing the opposite end. This tool support is
important for the unambiguous interpretation of an InstanceSpecification classified by
an Association as a representation of an instance of that Association between the
InstanceSpecifications interepreted as representations of instances of the related
Classifiers typing the ends of that Association.
This resolution adopts the first approach, i.e., the M1-level InstanceSpecification
based paradigm for defining Units and QuantityKinds. To maintain the separation
between the normative SysML profile and the non-normative QUDV conceptual
model, this resolution splits the QUDV::Unit and QuantityKind in two parts: - the part corresponding to the SysML 1.3 Unit/QuantityKind stereotypes that
will be refactored into Block definitions in a new UnitAndQuantityKind model
library - the rest that is unique to QUDV and that will be refactored as a specialization
of the corresponding blocks from the UnitAndQuantityKind model library
Because this resolution effectively promotes the QUDV concepts of Unit and
QuantityKind into the normative SysML profile, the normative specification of these
concepts is aligned to the publicly available VIM3 document instead of the non-public
ISO-80000-1 document.
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT
SYSML14 — SysML QuantityKind/Unit is incomplete and redundant with QUDV QuantityKind/Unit
- Key: SYSML14-22
- OMG Task Force: SysML 1.4 RTF