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  1. OMG Issue

SYSML11 — Internal Block Diagram

  • Key: SYSML11-83
  • Legacy Issue Number: 12127
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: No Magic, Inc. ( Darren Kelly)
  • Summary:

    .3.1.2 Internal Block Diagram: p.40: assert that value properties must be owned with AggregationKind 'composite' This would be consistent with the following from Internal Block Diagram, Property types: ".. A part or value property is always shown on an internal block diagram with a solid-outline box. A reference property is shown by a dashed-outline box, consistent with UML .." Rewrite to include assertion that value properties must always be owned with AggregationKind 'composite': ".. A part or value property has AggregationKind 'composite' and is always shown on an internal block diagram with a solid-outline box. A reference property has AggregationKind 'none' or 'shared' and is shown by a dashed-outline box, consistent with UML .." (Please note also that this case also illustrates why it would be useful to have a clear stereotypes like ValueProperty throughout the SysML specification, as it affords a canonical point of documentation for such assertions and constraints.)

  • Reported: SysML 1.0 — Wed, 2 Jan 2008 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — SysML 1.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    No Data Available

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT