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  1. OMG Issue

SYSML11 — Address potential points of convergence between MARTE and SysML

  • Key: SYSML11-64
  • Legacy Issue Number: 11623
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: THALES ( Sebastien Demathieu)
  • Summary:

    Address potential points of convergence between MARTE and SysML The MARTE profile supports modeling and analysis of real-time and embedded systems. Some of the concepts defined in this specification are applicable to Systems Engineering practices and can be of interest to SysML users. Early interactions between the SysML and MARTE partners have allowed to identify convergence points: - support for value expressions and constraint expressions using a dedicated language - formalisation of a time model, including the notion of clock to measure time - definition of metamodel elements for units and dimensions As discussion goes on, other convergence points may be identified and added to this list. Working on an alignment between MARTE and SysML has been identified as an important opportunity for both groups.

  • Reported: SysML 1.0 — Thu, 18 Oct 2007 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — SysML 1.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Following is the discussion from a previous deferred resolution by the SysML 1.1
    Much useful interaction and review of material from both MARTE and
    SysML has occurred within the RTF, especially on topics such as
    definition of quantity types, models of time, the need for value
    specifications, and the need to align allocations. Some opportunities for
    alignment can continue to be addressed in resolutions to other, more
    specific issues. This more general issue, however, will also be deferred,
    so that many remaining opportunities for alignment can continue to be
    pursued. Some specific areas of possible alignment, such as support for
    expressions in the MARTE Value Specification Language (VSL), are
    premature until the MARTE specification has completed its finalization.
    Ongoing discussion and development of potential common elements is
    continuing to occur between the SysML and MARTE RTF's. This generic
    placeholder issue should now replaced by specific issues that address specific
    points of alignment between the two specifications.
    Disposition: Closed, no change

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT