Key: SYSML11-127
Legacy Issue Number: 12510
Status: closed
Source: oose Innovative Informatik eG ( Mr. Tim Weilkiens)
SysML imports the UML StandardProfileL2. It contains useful stereotypes like modelLibrary. But it also includes stereotypes that extend UML elements that are not supported by SysML like artifact or component. Some stereotypes extend Class. From the viewpoint of SysML they should be an extension of stereotype Block. That's a conflict in the SysML language architecture. Proposal: Remove import of StandardProfileL2 and define a SysML specific standard profile.
Reported: SysML 1.0 — Thu, 22 May 2008 04:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — SysML 1.1
Disposition Summary:
Since SysML1.3 extends UML2.4.1 whose StandardProfileL2 library is published
as a normative artifact, it is no longer necessary for SysML to define its own
Trace stereotype; SysML can use StandardProfileL2::Trace instead. However,
except for StandardProfileL2::Metaclass which is used to denote classes that are
part of a metamodel, the SysML specification does not specifically identify any
other stereotype from StandardProfileL2 in its scope.
Within the strict definition of SysML where only the metaclasses in the
UML4SysML subset are allowed, several stereotypes from StandardProfileL2
cannot be used with SysML because they extend classes outside the
UML4SysML subset. Thus, File, Document, Executable, Library, Script and
Source are excluded because they extend Artifact, and Entity, Implement,
Process, Service and Subsystem are excluded because they extend Component.
See resolution to issue 15876 for further details.
Disposition: See issue 15876 for disposition -
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT
SYSML11 — 4.2: StandardProfileL2 uses elements not supported by SysML
- Key: SYSML11-127
- OMG Task Force: SysML RTF