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  1. OMG Issue

STI_ — Editorial: Correct English usage, fix typos, links, and appearance

  • Key: STI_-3
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: NASA ( Dr. Janette Briones)
  • Summary:

    Editorial changes:
    1. Template preamble had old URLs with http rather than https and needed to be updated.
    2. Fix references, URLs were inconsistently non-linking.
    3. Figure numbers changed and text needs to be updated to correspond.
    4. Error occurred when tables were renumbered. “Error! Reference source not found “ should have been a reference to the following figure 12.
    6. Declaration text is unnecessarily embedded in a blue box in an inconsistent fashion.
    7. Change title page
    8. Remove extra "-", add "." at the end of the Description lines
    9. Switch sections
    10. Make tables sequential, renumber
    11. Remove field in tables
    12. Change space in front of Provided to dash where needed
    13. Add a space in title of 12.4.5 and 12.4.6.
    14. Change "Component Identifier” to “Instance” in two places. 
    15. Change caption in Figures 3, 4, and 5
    16. Change "unload…to" "to unload…from" in Table 29

  • Reported: STI 1.0b1 — Tue, 17 May 2022 22:47 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — STI 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    Editorial: correct English usage, fix typos, links, and appearance

    Editorial changes:
    1. Template preamble had old URLs with http rather than https and needed to be updated.
    2. Fix references, URLs were inconsistently non-linking.
    3. Fix grammar issues
    4. Figure numbers changed and text needs to be updated to correspond.
    5. Error occurred when tables were renumbered. “Error! Reference source not found “ should have been a reference to the following figure 12.
    6. Declaration text is unnecessarily embedded in a blue box in an inconsistent fashion.
    7. Missing "s" in title page
    8. Remove extra "-", add "." at the end of the Description lines
    9. Switch sections 10.5.3 and 10.5.4
    10. Renumber sections in Section 12
    11. Make tables sequential
    12. Fix references in normative and non-normative sections
    13. Renumber tables
    14. Change "unload…to" "to unload…from" in Table 29
    15. Change space in front of Provided to dash where needed
    16. Add a space in title of 12.4.5 and 12.4.6.
    17. Change "Component Identifier” to “Instance” in two places. 
    18. Change caption in Figures 3, 4, and 5
    19. Missing/update information on table 87
    20. For consistency change Return field
    21. For clarification change section 12.7.46
    22. Update Notes field in sections 12.96 and 12.7.49
    23. Fix wording in tables in sections 12.5.1 and 12.5.2
    24. Missing "alternative" option
    25. Change string to Result
    26. Add Clock Interface
    27. Fix section 12.4.5, 12.9.6, and 12.9.3 to remove "const", "CLK_timeSynch", and "in HandleID to ID"

  • Updated: Tue, 28 Mar 2023 17:32 GMT