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  1. OMG Issue

SPMSSR — Enhance PatternSection body to allow for more than raw strings as content

  • Key: SPMSSR-5
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Object Management Group ( Dr. Jason McC. Smith)
  • Summary:

    Consumers of SPMS have requested the ability to include diagrams, pointers to existing documents, etc., in the section bodies.

  • Reported: IPMSS 1.0 — Mon, 21 Sep 2015 13:42 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — SPMS 1.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Allow PatternSection to contain richer content than a simple string.

    Sec 8.1, final paragraph, page 9:

    Change from:
    Each PatternDefinition contains a list of these Roles, and a list of PatternSections. These PatternSections are prose entries that describe for a human reader the definition of the pattern as defined according to appropriate patterns communities that adopt SPMS.

    Change to:
    Each PatternDefinition contains a list of these Roles, and a list of PatternSections. These PatternSections entries contain prose, diagrams, or other necessary structured document contents to describe for a human reader the definition of the pattern as defined according to appropriate patterns communities that adopt SPMS.

    Sec 8.1 Figure 3, page 10:
    Replace with new Figure3.pdf (attached)

    Sec 8.5, paragraph 1, first sentence, page 11:
    Change from:
    A PatternSection is a free-form prose textual description of a portion of a PatternDefinition.

    Change to:
    A PatternSection is a description of a portion of a PatternDefinition. The description may be free-form prose, diagrams, models, or a structured combination thereof. The body attribute of the PatternSection is a generalized MOF::Element to allow for a multitude of formats and data, although the most common is expected to be simple text.

    Section 8.5, Attributes, page 12:
    Change from:
    body : String The contents of the PatternSection.

    Change to:
    body : MOF::Element The contents of the PatternSection.

    Modification to SPMS1.1.xmi: Convert body element type from PrimitiveTypes.xmi#String to UML.xmi#Element

  • Updated: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 14:46 GMT