Key: SDRP-83
Legacy Issue Number: 8124
Status: closed
Source: SCA Technica, Inc. ( Tony Martin)
Summary: {communication channel requires at least one of an RF channel or an I/O channel}
There is neither a description of a "RF channel" nor a "communication
channel" in the specification.Proposed Solutions:
{LogicalCommunicationChannel requires at least one of a SecureLogicalCommunicationChannel, LogicalPhysicalChannel, LogicalIOChannel, or LogicalProcessingChannel.}
Rework the constraint to read as: -
Reported: SDRP 1.0b1 — Tue, 25 Jan 2005 05:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — SDRP 1.0
Disposition Summary:
No Data Available
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:53 GMT