Key: SDRP-76
Legacy Issue Number: 7959
Status: closed
Source: Raytheon ( Jerry Bickle)
Problem: Figure 9-78 - Radio Set Facilities Overview. The
MangedServiceComponent Stereotype should be used as a stereotype for the
ManagedRadioManager and ManagedCommChannel components not a specialization
of.Proposed Solution: Changed stereotype of ManagedRadioManager from
<<radiomanager>> to <<managedservicecomponent>>. Changed stereotype of
ManagedCommChannel from <<commchannel>> to <<managedservicecomponent>>.
Remove specialize relationships from ManagedServiceComponent and remove
ManagedServiceComponent from figure. Update Figure 9-78 - Radio Set
Facilities Overview with changes.Modify ManagedCommChannel Description section
"The <<commchannel>> ManagedCommChannel component takes on the definition
as described in the UML Profile for SWRadio::Infrastructure::Radio
Management in addition to the specializations of the CommChannel
and ManagedServiceComponent (UML Profile for SWRadio::Infrastructure::Radio
"The <<managedservicecomponent>> ManagedCommChannel component takes on the
definition as described in the UML Profile for
SWRadio::Infrastructure::Radio Services in addition to the specialization
of the CommChannel."Modify ManagedRadioManager Description section
"The <<radiomanager>> ManagedRadioManager component takes on the definition
as described in the UML Pro-
file for SWRadio::Infrastructure::Radio Management in addition to the
specializations of the RadioManager and ManagedServiceComponent (UML
Profile for SWRadio::Infrastructure::Radio Services). The
ManagedRadioManager provides the mechanism of a managed RadioManager with
state behavior."
"The <<managedservicecomponent>> ManagedRadioManager component takes on the
definition as described in the UML Pro-
file for SWRadio::Infrastructure::Radio Services in addition to the
specialization of the RadioManager. The ManagedRadioManager provides the
mechanism for a managed RadioManager with state behavior." -
Reported: SDRP 1.0b1 — Wed, 1 Dec 2004 05:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — SDRP 1.0
Disposition Summary:
No Data Available
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:53 GMT
SDRP — Figure 9-78 - Radio Set Facilities Overview
- Key: SDRP-76
- OMG Task Force: PIM & PSM for SWRadio FTF