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SDRP — Unable able to express the direction of a port for a SWRadioComponent

  • Key: SDRP-71
  • Legacy Issue Number: 7888
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Raytheon ( Jerry Bickle)
  • Summary:

    Problem: Unable able to express the direction of a port for a

    Proposed Solution: Add a direction property (TAG value) to the SWRadioPort
    stereotype. Add direction tag value for SWRadioPort in Table 8-3 Interface
    and Port Stereotypes.

    Add new section SWRadioPort
    The SWRadioPort defines a port that is associated with SWRAPIs.

    direction: DirectionType
    The direction attribute indicates the usage direction of the port for a

    Types & Exceptions

    <<enumeration>>DirectionType (IN, OUT, INOUT)
    The DirectionType defines the direction values for a port.
    IN means data and/or control is received by a port
    OUT means data and/or control is sent by a port
    INOUT means ata and/or control is received and sent by a port

    The SWRadioPort is only associated with SWRadioAPIs.
    A port with IN direction can only be connected to a a port with IN or INOUT
    A port with OUT direction can only be connected to a a port with OUT or
    INOUT direction.
    A port with INOUT direction can only be connected to a a port with IN, OUT
    or INOUT direction.

    The Direction for a port can be graphically illustrated by a background
    color for each of the Direction values.

  • Reported: SDRP 1.0b1 — Fri, 29 Oct 2004 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — SDRP 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    No Data Available

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:53 GMT