Key: SDRP-174
Legacy Issue Number: 9910
Status: closed
Source: Raytheon ( Jerry Bickle)
PIM and PSM for Software Radio Components Spec
Issue: TestableObject interface, runtest operation, takes in a string type for test id which is not efficient for processing and is not backwards compatible with sca.
Resolution: change the testableobject interface runTest operation to take in an integer test id instead of string. Add an optional label attribute for the test property xml definition.
Reported: SDRP 1.0b1 — Mon, 10 Jul 2006 04:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — SDRP 1.0
Disposition Summary:
No Data Available
Updated: Sat, 7 Mar 2015 00:33 GMT
SDRP — TestableObject Interface Runtest Operation Issue
- Key: SDRP-174
- OMG Task Force: PIM & PSM for SWRadio FTF