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SDRP — Service Typos in the Specification, UML Model, PSM, and IDL

  • Key: SDRP-120
  • Legacy Issue Number: 8950
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Engility ( Neli Hayes)
  • Summary:

    1. The specification text and UML Model for
    DeviceManagerRegistration::registerService () operation
    registeringService parameter type use the ServiceComponent stereotype,
    whereas the PSM and the IDL use the type Object. A more descriptive
    type should be used for the PSM and the IDL.

    2. DeviceManagerRegistration::registerService () operation
    unregisteringService parameter type:
    The specification text synopsis uses the type Service. The UML Model
    uses the type ServiceComponent. The PSM and the IDL use the type
    Object. These types should logically match.

    3. The DeviceManagerRegistration registerDeviceManager () and
    unregisterDeviceManager () operations texts refer to addition and
    removal of the DeviceManager's Service(s) to/from the domain. Instead,
    they should refer to ServiceComponent(s).

    4. The DeviceManagerRegistration registerService () and
    unregisterService () operations text refer to
    registration/addition/unregistration/removal of Service(s) to/from the
    domain. Instead, they should refer to ServiceComponent(s).

    Proposed Solution:

    1. The PSM and the IDL should use the Service typedef defined in
    CFBaseTypes.idl as the registeringService/unregisteringService parameter
    types for DeviceManagerRegistration::registerService
    ()/unregisterService ().

    2. The unregisteringService parameter type for the
    DeviceManagerRegistration::unregisterService () operation should be

    3. Refer to registration/unregistration of ServiceComponent(s), instead
    of Service(s), in the DeviceManagerRegistration registerDeviceManager ()
    and unregisterDeviceManager () operations.

    4. Refer to registration/addition/unregistration/removal of
    ServiceComponent(s), instead of Service(s), in the
    DeviceManagerRegistration registerService () and unregisterService ()

    5. The UML Model should use the ServiceComponent type instead of
    SWRadioService for the registeringService/unregisteringService
    parameters of the DeviceManager ServiceRegistration interface's
    registerService/unregisterService operations.

    Rationale: Correctness and clarity of types used, in the correct
    context for the specification text, the UML Model, the PSM and the IDL.

  • Reported: SDRP 1.0b1 — Wed, 3 Aug 2005 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — SDRP 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    No Data Available

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:53 GMT