SBVR 1.2 RTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

SBVR12 — Add Generic Occurrence to SBVR to Support Other Specifications for Occurrence in Time, Space or Other Dimensions

  • Key: SBVR12-85
  • Legacy Issue Number: 18172
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Rule ML Initiative ( Mr. Donald R. Chapin)
  • Summary:

    The DTV RTF has pointed out the value of adding to SBVR a very generic concept for all kinds of occurrences so that all specifications that define a particular kind of occurrence, e.g. occurrence in time, occurrence in space, can be consistent if they adopt and specialize the SBVR generic occurrence concept. This approach also provides the ability of specifications that deal with occurrence to constrain the generic concepts adopted from SBVR to fit their specification.
    1. Incorporate that a state of affairs is not a meaning in its definition.
    2. Add a generic, overarching ‘occurrence’ noun concept.
    3. Add a “what happens” noun concept that is a role of ‘state of affairs’.
    4. Add a verb concept that defines the multiple relationship between “what happens’ and ‘occurrence’.
    5. Fix the definiiton of ‘state of affairs is actual’
    6. Clarify the Note for ‘actuality’.
    7. Remove confusing and unnecessary wording in the entry for ‘situation’.

    Revised Text:
    REPLACE Figure 8.8 in Clause 8.5 on printed page 40 WITH:

    In clause 8.5, in the entry for 'state of affairs', REPLACE the Definition:
    Definition: event, activity, situation, or circumstance
    Definition: res that is an event, activity, situation, or circumstance
    In clause 8.5, immediately before the entry for 'state of affairs is actual', INSERT three new entries:
    Definition: state of affairs that is the happening of another state of affairs for a given time interval and/or at a given location and/or in some other dimension
    what-happens state of affairs
    Definition: state of affairs that can happen for a given time interval and/or at a given location and/or in some other dimension
    what-happens state of affairs has occurrence
    Definition: the occurrence is the realization of the state of affairs
    In clause 8.5, in the entry for 'state of affairs is actual', REPLACE the existing Definition:
    Definition: the state of affairs happens (i.e., takes place, obtains)
    Definition: the state of affairs is happening (i.e., takes place, obtains)

    In clause 8.5, in the entry for 'actuality', REPLACE the Note:
    Note: Actualities are states of affairs that actually happen, as distinct from states of affairs that don’t happen but nevertheless exist as subjects of discourse and can be imagined or planned.
    Note: Actualities are states of affairs that are actually happening, as distinct from states of affairs that are not happening but nevertheless exist as subjects of discourse and can be imagined or planned.

    In clause, in the entry for 'situation' on printed page 154, REMOVE
    • The phrase “that provides the context from which roles played may be understood or assessed” at the end of the Definition as it is about purpose and not essential meaning.
    • the words “a state of affairs” at the end of the first Dictionary Basis.

    ADD two noun concepts, ‘occurrence’ and ‘what-happens state of affairs’, to the following line in the paragraph beginning with “The classes in the metamodel that mirror …” in 13.2.2 “MOF Classes for SBVR Noun Concepts”:

    Clause 8: meaning, concept, expression, state of affairs, actuality, thing, set

    ADD two noun concepts, ‘property’ and ‘viewpoint’, to the following line in the paragraph beginning with “The classes in the metamodel that mirror …” in 13.2.2 “MOF Classes for SBVR Noun Concepts”:

    Clause 11: community, situation, res

  • Reported: SBVR 1.1 — Mon, 15 Oct 2012 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — SBVR 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    After lengthy and diligent RTF discussion, it turned out not to be possible to reach consensus on the definition of ‘occurrence’. The concerns on which consensus could not be reached were primarily:
    • Limiting ‘occurrences’ to only those that have actually happened, If this were done, it would remove the ability of SBVR to support talking about occurrences that have yet to happen.
    • Including instances in the universe of discourse (the real things in the universe of the business) in SBVR Business Vocabularies. These are not meanings and are therefore out of scope for SBVR.
    As a result, this resolution requires no changes.

    Revised Text:

    Disposition: No Change

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT